Bolognese cutlet

cotoletta alla bolognese

The Cotoletta alla Bolognese is not just a dish; it's a culinary emblem from the heart of Italy's rich gastronomic landscape, Bologna. In this city, where food is an art and tradition is the artist, the Cotoletta stands out as a masterpiece, narrating a story of taste and craftsmanship passed down through generations.

As with many Italian classics, the exact origins of the Cotoletta alla Bolognese are woven into the fabric of local lore and culinary history. It is a variation of the more widely known Milanese cutlet, yet it is distinctly Bolognese in its preparation and presentation. What sets it apart is the layer of prosciutto and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese that crowns the breaded veal cutlet, a true testament to the region's love for these iconic ingredients.

The Cotoletta alla Bolognese speaks to the lavishness of the region's cuisine. Unlike its Milanese cousin, which is traditionally served bone-in and without toppings, the Bolognese version is a testament to the opulence of the area, with its rich layers and flavors. The cutlet is first coated in breadcrumbs and pan-fried to golden perfection, then draped with a slice of prosciutto, and finally smothered in the region's famous Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, which is melted under a broiler to create a cheesy topping.

What’s needed:

  • Tools:

        • 1 big pan

  • Ingredients (serves 4 people)

        • 4 slices of lean calf meat

        • 4 slice of prosciutto crudo

        • 2 eggs

        • 1 lemon

        • 5 oz Parmigiano Reggiano

        • 3,5 oz butter

        • Bread crumbs

How To:

Take the veal and tenderize the slices until thin, then season with salt, pepper, and a drizzle of lemon juice. Let them sit to absorb the flavors for at least one hour.When the veal is ready, it’s time to create a crispy coating. Begin by dipping each slice into beaten eggs, then press firmly into the breadcrumbs. Double down on the texture by giving them another egg wash followed by a final coating in breadcrumbs mixed with shredded Parmigiano. This process promises a golden crust and a whisper of Parmesan in every bite.

Cooking is an art that calls for butter in this case, so let it melt in the pan until it foams. Lay the veal in the pan, and when each side turns golden brown, it's time for the next layer of flavor. Top each slice with a piece of prosciutto, then lavishly grate Parmigiano over it all. Pour in a couple of spoonfuls of meat broth and add a dollop of butter for richness.

The final act takes place under the broiler: just long enough for the Parmigiano to melt into a golden, bubbling delight. This is where the dish comes alive, with the cheese blending seamlessly with the prosciutto and veal to create a rich and satisfying dish.

Present the dish straight from the broiler, steaming and fragrant. This isn't just a meal; it’s a warm, comforting embrace from the Italian kitchen, meant to be savored with each indulgent bite. Enjoy your masterpiece at its most delightful - hot and heavenly.




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